# PhoneGap Arduino LED Example Control LEDs on the Arduino from your Android Phone. ![Blue Lights](blue.jpg "Blue") ![Green Lights](green.jpg "Green") This is the example code from my [PhoneGap for Makers](http://don.github.io/slides/2013-05-19-phonegap-for-makers/#/) talk at the 2013 Maker Faire Bay Area. ## Arduino Hardware * Arduino Uno * [SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10393) * [Adafruit NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Weatherproof Strip 60 LED](http://www.adafruit.com/products/1138) TODO Fritzing diagram here ## Android ### Upload the sketch Upload the [sketch](https://github.com/don/BluetoothSerial/blob/master/examples/LED/Arduino/PhoneGapLED/PhoneGapLED.ino) to your Uno using the Arduino IDE. ### Pair your phone Pair your Android phone with the bluetooth adapter. ## PhoneGap - Android This assumes you have the [Android SDK](http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html) installed and $ANDROID_HOME/tools and $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools in your system path. Adding platforms generates the native project $ cordova platform add android Install the Bluetooth Serial plugin with cordova $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial Connect your phone to the computer. Compile and run the application $ cordova run After the application starts, connect bluetooth by touching the "Connect" label. Occasionally it takes a few times to connect. Watch for the green connect light on the Bluetooth adapter. Move the sliders to adjust Red, Green, and Blue values. ## iOS This code also works with iOS as long as you use a RedBearLabs BLE radio or the Adafruit Bluefruit LE For the RedBear radios upload the [PhoneGapLED.ino sketch](https://github.com/don/BluetoothSerial/blob/master/examples/LED/Arduino/PhoneGapLED/PhoneGapLED.ino) to your Uno using the Arduino IDE. For the Adafruit Bluetfruit LE radio upload the [PhoneGapLED_BluefruitLE.ino sketch](https://github.com/don/BluetoothSerial/blob/master/examples/LED/Arduino/PhoneGapLED_BluefruitLE/PhoneGapLED_BluefruitLE.ino) to your Uno using the Arduino IDE. Adding platforms generates the native project $ cordova platform add ios Install the Bluetooth Serial plugin with cordova $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial $ cordova prepare $ open platforms/ios/LED.xcodeproj Build the code and deploy to your iPhone using Xcode ![BluefruitLE](BluefruitLE.png "BluefruitLE")